Getting Older


Why doesn’t anyone want to get older? I think that it is pretty sad actually. Growing older is totally a natural and normal part of life, but everyone feels like you can’t get older. Heaven forbid you every have wrinkles or grey hair, or look over the age of 25. Obviously, this phenomenon is especially prevalent for women. As a woman approaching the age of 30 (yikes!), I feel this number getting bigger and bigger. It is like I am slowly driving towards the sign that is ever so rapidly getting larger as the days go on.

I know that this really shouldn’t be that big of a deal, but the other day my coworker (who I don’t work with very often, thank goodness) thought that I was 31. Maybe not an insult to most people, but that is 5 years older than what I actually am, and I was horribly offended. I don’t think that I look that old, but I guess I do? I am aging, obviously. I mean, aren’t we all? So now I am really into anti-wrinkle creams and eye cream, especially. Better start early right?

Well, that just leaves the main questions: what do we do about it? I have a list of musts.

Shel Silverstein said it best

Shel Silverstein said it best

1. Embrace it.

Everyone gets older. No one can stay young forever. And the ones who try end of looking super creepy (note: Joan Rivers and Courtney Cox). You want to be able to accept your age, whatever it may be.

Remember when you couldn’t wait to older and get bigger and be a grown up? Remind your kids, or anyone who is younger than you, to never wish this. Being grown up is great, but you want to be able to enjoy every age. Age comes with so many more responsibilities that are not very fun and last for the rest of your life. Enjoy the freedom.

2. Start doing preventative care now.

That means wearing sunscreen. Big time. Don’t spend hours in the sun. Having a tan is not all that it is cracked up to be. Seriously. Those people who were sun worshippers at a young age, end up looking at least 5 to 10 years older than what they actually are. Find a great sunscreen for your face and body and slather that stuff on. Always. I don’t ever not wear sunscreen on my face and chest during the day.

Image Courtesy of

Image Courtesy of

3. Eye cream.

Just do it. If anything can help making you look younger, it is those lines around your eyes. You can wear it at night and/or during the day. Paying special attention to your eyes really helps you stay looking younger. I have been trying to find the best one that I can, but I haven’t really found the right one I feel.

I have used the Neutrogena Eye Cream, which did virtually nothing. I used it for 6 months and noticed no difference whatsoever. It claims to have results in 1 week. I used it for like 6 months and noticed nothing. Might work for other people I guess.

I have been using the ROC Eye Cream for sensitive eyes for about 5 months, and I find that it does make a small difference, but not super noticeable. Maybe I should have gotten the full retinol eye cream, and not the milder one, but my skin is sensitive to products that produce a burning effect like this one does. I don’t think that I would have been able to handle the “full strength” product. I bought this product when I went to Ulta in Portland, Oregon. You can read that post here.

Now I am trying the Kiehls Powerful Wrinkle Reducing Eye Cream, and so far (after only about 10 days) I have noticed a small difference already. I just have the sample right now, but I am asking for this for my birthday in March. I am really liking it.

4. Don’t focus on getting older.

I find that a lot of people (myself included) tend to focus on an age so much that it feels like it becomes a bigger even than it is. I found when I turned 26 that I all of a sudden got older. The age 25 felt so much closer to 20, and 26 feels so much closer to 30. It is only a year, but feels like a leap. Does that make sense?

Honestly, what I am telling you, and what I am telling myself, is that really, you shouldn’t focus so much on something that you can’t change. It will happen whether you like it or not. So this year I am focusing on eating better, taking better care of my skin, not going in the sun (or at least wearing a ton of sunscreen), and embracing myself as a person. These things are so much more important than a number.

This list is all personal, I am not an expert. I just talk about my life.

Thanks for reading!
